Baixing Chen

Interested in game design. Focusing on interactive design in Parsons School of Design. Exploring different kinds of gameplay through installation differ from traditional gameplay in both Unity and Processing.

︎Contact: @cbx.shing@gmail.com 

︎︎︎About me



Game Design-------

︎︎︎ Go Tangible!

︎︎︎ La Maison des Tulipes

︎︎︎ Take Me Back

︎︎︎ BetMe

Fun Side Projects---

Art Work & Installation-----

︎︎︎ Reconciliation

︎︎︎ Storage

︎︎︎ Lifeverything

︎︎︎ Drawing Tin-Can

︎︎︎ “Role”


︎︎︎ EÈÉÊËĒĖĘddieèéêëēėę


︎︎︎ Petchat

Baixing Chen

Hi, I am Eddie Baixing Chen. Focusing on interactive installation in Parsons. Researches lies on emotion
and immersive experience. Also have some experience on Unity game design.

︎Contact: @cbx.shing@gmail.com

︎︎︎About me




This is a very simple board game that players need to battle with others by placing down the back side of the tokens until rolling dice and get 6. After both players finished placing tokens they can start to battle. Once if your piece is qualified with the rules then you could grab others tokens. The wincoin is to get all the others tokens. 


My inspiration came from Aeroplane chess, which the element of rolling dice until 6 and you can place your chess on the boarding place. This element inspires me the constraint to the players, since there are necessary to have constraints in each game.

Chinese Jungle Chess was the second element that inspired me to do my project, which is each aninmal in the Jungle Chess can be defeat by another and there is no dominated animal in the game. I love this rules because in this situation players no longer have to protect the only wincoin chess in the game. Each chess in the game are significant and there are many possibilities in the game. 

Experience & Value(Rules)

Before starting the game, each player has to roll the dice to decide who is going to place the token first. There will be 2 dices, and when the sum of the dices are equals or greater than 6, then that player can place the token. After the player place their tokens on the map, then this round end. It is not limitation how many tokens you place each round but you have to roll dices before you place the tokens each round. For those different tokens the players place nearby each other have to compete their token by the size of number under the tokens(within a 9-square grid centered on the placed token). The size of the number should be 1<2<3<4<5<6<7<8<9<10 and 1>10. If the token you placed is greater than others, then you get his piece, otherwise, other players get you token. If one of the players lost all of his tokens, then he lost and if you get all others tokens then you win.


I am planning to make this game in board game play. I will use the dice, the chess and map as the game elements. Each player will have 10 tokens to place. When you lose all of them, you are defeated.


Number’s Design

As I was a math student, I desired to find connection between math and design, then I started from the basic elements of math which is numbers. This is the most common thing that we see everyday in our daily life that people may ignore. I was considering if numbers can be existed in another type of form, and then the straw in the coffee inspired me to do so. I went got some straws and tried to assemble them into numbers in physical way. After I did such experiment, I transit those physical numbers into digital form.

Physical Form:

Digital Form:

Eddie Baixing Chen